Written by Ad. He rants. He spews copious drivel. His opinions count for doodly. Welcome. This is my blog, a pointless and heavily self- censored, concentrated report of my insignificant world.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pizza menu de jour: Haweli Indian
It has the word "free" on it. Always encouraging in these hard times.
By way, in case you're curious, thus far I've not needed to raid the menu cupboard. The menus featured so far have all dropped through our letterbox the day before I proudly displayed them here.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pizza menu de jour: Pizza Hut - its a sin!

Apparently, meat eating is the new sin. Still, beats the usual target of smokers, the obese and ASBO (possibly also obese) kids. Count me in as being one. A sinner, not an ASBO kid - I'm far too old, though definitely obese.
This menu at least has the benecit of attractive design. I may well give the sinful pizza a spin this Friday, if I didn't indeed chuck it.
Faher forgive me
I tried not to do it...
(I saw me a pizza
And ate right through it)
- sorry Pet Shop Boys
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Pizza menu de jour: Shabana Indian

Today is the turn of this little cutie, the Shabana Indian (or sorry, Bangladeshi and Indian to be exact). Not been here so can't vouch for the quality of the food.
However, it has a welcome spot in our menu pile as good quality Indians are sooooo hard to find in Daggers. Hot curry is kind of limp in my experience. So, Shabana, its all hangs on you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pizza menu de jour
Park, the next door suburb.
With no further ado then, let me introduce you to Dagenham's finest. Starting with the Pizza Go Go menu, the beginning of a major series (subject
to me being bothered) on this blog.
The Gogo is an all-red baby featuring the emergency deal, the 999 pizza, for
those pizza emergencies, for when you just can't find a big enough bandage. Nothing like a 12 inch thin crust double pepperoni with onions to cover over that dripping wound, I find. When I lived briefly in Walthamstow, Gogo on Hoe Street was pretty decent for a cheap and cheerful take-away, so I trust the pizzas here are quite edible, possibly even better than this. That hold shot wasn't really that good, so for future shots, I'll be seriously considering alternatives. Compared to Korean babes holding the
latest Samsung mobile phone, this shot really sucks. But I'm learning fast.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Weasel words: Tough decisions
"Tough decisions will need to be made on...".
Meaning: We are going to have to do something that might make us look
electorially unviable (because we are, same as the other almost identikit
clones on the opposite bench) - particularly when the well-oiled spin
machine throws a hiccup and the media wakes up from its torpor for a few
moments and asks some well targeted questions before falling back into its
alco-pop-mixed-with-coke induced slumber.
But regardless of this tough decision we'll make bravely, almost martyr-like
on your behalf, you, modern day peasant, and others like you will be
shafted. For us and our ilk its business as usual. Same as it ever was.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Swine flu and me
Wednesday: at work. Very mild symptoms but by 8pm was feeling a bit un-centred. Not especially ill, but felt as if though something was missing or wrong. Kind of like the last few hours of an acid trip.
Thursday: Hot, and feeling slightly more trippy and demotivated. Not desperately sick or anything. Didn't go to work as the world felt a bit jelly-like and kind of...wrong or something. I hard feeling to define, but best description is like how it is when you've had some reasonably good grass and are stoned just beyond the stage where you feel that getting home by bus would be safe. Note: I do have some experience of this back in the 90s.
Friday: Hot and cold with proper flu vibe kicking in. Coughed, spluttered and mildly stoned feeling all day. Read loads and didn't really feel like getting out of bed but bought netbook up to bed.
Saturday: felt rather hot, with sore throat and quite a hacking cough - the kind I had when I smoked 20 a day. However, by 3pm was feeling OK again. Not stoned or monged out today, just a bit hot.
Sunday: Apart from remaining cough, back to normal really.
Monday: Back at work and feeling mostly normal again, other than a slight cough. Felt a bit demotivated, but definitley within normal range. Busy, so didn't have time to worry too much.
So, what was Swine Flu like? Compared to the death-flu I had ten years ago where the world was extremely cold, hot and floaty (often simultanously) where getting off the duvet I lay out on the floor could take 30 minutes, this time it was a breeze. Actually it was rather nice to have the luxury of genuine illness without being hugely affected. There is no way I would have wanted to leave the house for too long (in fact I didn't got out at all). The prevelant feeling was that of being mildly drugged, and since I like being mildly drugged, overall, Swine Flu wasn't too bad an experience. If death is a 10 and losing a shoe for two minutes is 1, then this gets a 3. I wouldn't go around giving it to friends, especially those with kiddies, but the hype I'm afraid, does outweigh the actuality.