In the light of not having much to write about – or at least not wishing to write about much at the moment – I’m going to post the time it took me to get to work on a daily basis. This will be for my own amusement, so don’t expect a giggle-fest.
Numero uno: I swear my journey times are getting longer. This will prove this to be the case, or otherwise.
Numero duo: I want to point out all the faults and tribulations. Many of these are unannounced by the Chief Disseminator of Information employed by the Transport for London Politburo, and so, being a public spirited chap, I want to put the record straight and possibly present this diary to said politburo chief.
For a while after Tim O’Toole took over and put up a ‘how we’re running’ board at each station, the information was clear, as well as spread far and wide by driver and tannoy alike. But they are slipping back to their wicked ways. I’m sure they don’t tell us in order to un-exist the problem, making their stats look better. Well, I for one, am not convinced. In a world full of Animal Farm style crows, let me tell you that Sugar Candy Mountain does not exist. So when we are told, sheeplike, that the service has improved by 3.3756 percent, don’t believe the hype. In fact, don’t believe anything these arseholes say, because it was all written on the back of a fag packet while the chief mechanic was being shagged by a sheep half way down the Old Kent Road on a 453 bendybus.
Today’s journey Joy Report
Left home 7.33. 6 minute walk to tube station
Train arrived 7.44 (good)
Delays on Hammersmith and City Line (reported on tannoys)
Very slow service from Whitechapel to Baker Street. Lots of pauses. No Met Line running Aldgate-Baker St, so slow, crap change required.
Arrived to work at 9.38 (38 minutes late)
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