A British hero. Employed by a bunch of zeros. More lions and donkeys
One of those facts which complete floors me was casually announced without any further reference on Radio 4's "Today" program.
The Ministry of Defence employs 400 people engaged in media and/or PR.
This in itself seems quite a lot. There are, after all, only 650 MPs serving the interests (I use the word with great caution) of the country - no seriously, they're not just self serving expense-monkeys. Perhaps.
400 people? I presume some of these are quite well paid, and would, if employed within other industries, be regarded as experts.
So why is then that the MOD can hardly run its own affairs, let alone publicise or promote them with anything other than a shame faced bleat that makes me cringe.
Quite frankly, if this is the best they can do with 400 people (some of who I guess are paid to obscure or block news), then really, they need to try harder. Even the news which is obfuscated tends to find its way into the public domain at some point.
As my sis Ab would say, "what a complete shower".
As I wold say too many cooks, say, around 350 too many?
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