Here's a shot of the island park.

And below, a wilder part of the same place. Almost no-one passed us by for the hour we were here, while Mrs DD tried to persuade her phone's GPS software that we weren't in Malmo. One month later, and despite getting the names of locations correct, it still occasionally insists she's in that Swedish city.

A rather ornate building by the river.

This would be destroyed in just about any other city I've been to, but within a rather residential area of town, we came across this gorgeous fountain. I can picture the beer cans shopping trollies here. Fortunately for Stockholmes, it doesn't seem to happen to their public fountains.

A shortage of household junk within the public greenery is pretty rare - in fact, littering as a whole doesn't seem to exist at all. Unfortunately, at least for the unsuspecting Londoner, fitness and jogging especially is a public pass-time, though I'm not sure how long this would go on into the winter. With those crazy Scandy types being so used to the cold, they probably just don a Neoprene-type jacket and do it anyway.

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