Quite a mellow start to the day with breakfast at Cowbelles Chuck Wagon, a steak and sawdust type affair (note: nice gets big brownie points for very decent and FRESH cheese baguettes). Returning to the tent afterwards, I noticed a label had been placed on our tent. This was a nomination for being the loudest snorers on site. I'm quite proud of that as you can imagine though to be honest I'm not sure if anyone for certain whether the culprit was Mrs D or myself since both of us are prime candidates.

Snoring for Cambridge
Heading off for to the main fest site, we did the usual festival things. Eat, shop, lie around in drying mud and smoke the occasional festival green gear.

Mmmmm, nice veggie Indian grub. That'll keep the folkies happier than the thought of hoofing down that big wad of dead animal I'm cruisin' on.

These aren't just clouds. These are Marks and Spencer's symbols of the festival weather we were granted; good mixture of half rain, half cloud cloud, half sun. Half baked metaphor too.

Corie and Goose chilling in the sunshine.

The main stage at dusk