Popeye Park

The Field

Yeading Brook Bridge

Yeading Brook
A bit of a memory difference between Natasha and I. She thinks this the park was called Popeye Park, at least by the local brats. It was simply known to me as “the park”. Perhaps it was a generational thing, though there are merely two years between us. But when you are kids, two years can be a long time. Pleased to see it's here, more or less unchanged.
And unchanged also is the bridge over Yeading Brook. Not sure why us kids used to hang out by the bridge. Closeness to the park was definitely an obvious good reason, plus the open and generally empty car park meant you could do some really cool bike stunts such as wheelies and skids without having to deal with real traffic as the road comes to a dead end at the bridge. Much as it pains me to admit doing anything as public as dogging, I had my one and only taste of car sex here. But I'm not saying with whom!
The field. Once over Yeading Brook you end up in a place we just called “the field”. It goes nowhere useful. It is simply a buffer zone between Hayes and Yeading proper. And nowadays it looks pristine compared to the scrubby dump it was in the 70s and 80s. I've seen burnt out cars, motorbikes and even a fire blackened Bedford coach parked on the grass. The place felt forlorn and pointless to me, but it seems to have revitalised itself.
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