Some contrasting suburbs here.
Firstly, a picture at the end of the green line (Hogas-something). This felt a bit scummy though I'm sure its pretty safe. There seemed to be more kids running around here.
And, taking the green line again, this time to Alvik, then at the end of the number 12 tram, here is a rather pleasant 'burb.

I wouldn't mind living here - the houses, even the flats were nice and large, and relatively low density compared the suburbs at the end of the metro lines we journeyed to. The tram, unlike every other form of Swedish transport we encountered, was a prime relic of the 50s, with a very loud low-geared motor which sounded like it was being controlled by switchgear made in someone's garden shed. Great to know this kind of transportation still runs, as it has all but disappeared (albeit slowly) from Britain.

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